Counterfeiting ENDONORM®

Fitopanacea warns you about the emergence of a counterfeit ENDONORM® in Ukraine and Moldova. This counterfeit product is available in a similar plastic package, and its label is an almost perfect copy of the authentic product’s label.

To avoid fraud and not to jeopardize the health - we recommend that you carefully read the information on this page.

Sophisticated cinquefoil products in the pharmaceutical market

The market launch of ENDONORM® caused numerous attempts to create a similar thyrotropic product. In particular, a cheap copy with a similar name Ендонорм (Endonorm) emerged in 2010 in Ukraine, being manufactured by a certain Kyiv company named Вітера (Vitera). A look at the composition and the Package Leaflet of the Ukrainian product immediately reveals a striking similarity with the composition of the original ENDONORM® (ЭНДОНОРМ®). Read more »»