Prevalence of thyroid diseases
Therapies and treatment methods for thyroid diseases
ENDONORM®, a new supplement for the treatment of thyroid diseases
Description of the thyrotropic supplement ENDONORM®

Prevalence of thyroid diseases

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), thyroid diseases have the second-highest prevalence among all endocrine disorders, right behind diabetes mellitus. Over 665 million people suffer from endemic goitre or other thyroid diseases worldwide; 1.5 billion people are at risk for developing an iodine-deficient condition. Statistical data show that the annual increment in the number of thyroid disease cases is 5 %.
More than 20 million people live with diagnosed thyroid disorders in Russia. In particular, statistically one out of two Moscow Region inhabitants suffers from a thyroid disease. And in some Russian regions as much as 95 % of the population are afflicted!!
There are numerous causes of this situation: from iodine deficiency and unfavourable ecology to stress and genetic abnormalities.

Therapies and treatment methods for thyroid diseases

Among all methods available to treat diseases of the thyroid gland (thyroid), a preference is given to hormone replacement therapy (HRT), treatment with antithyroid drugs (thyrostatics),  surgical intervention (thyroidectomy), and radioactive iodine therapy.
Thyroid glandAll these treatment standards characteristically have a considerable number of contraindications and shortcomings. In particular, hormone replacement therapy requires lifelong administration of thyroid hormone preparations and, as a result, the patient's own thyroid eventually stops functioning at all thus making the patient a “lifelong client” of pharmaceutical companies. Besides, administration of thyroid hormone preparations has a number of contraindications, and this treatment is accompanied by multiple adverse effects, including tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmia, allergic reactions, excitation, insomnia, etc. 
The aim of antithyroid therapy is partial or complete suppression of the patient's own thyroid function after which the patient is switched to hormone replacement therapy. Adverse effects of thyrostatic therapy include inhibition of haematopoiesis, nausea, vomiting, liver function impairment, allergic reactions, etc.
Surgical intervention is often accompanied by complications responsible for a near-10 % disability rate. Other significant disadvantages of thyroid ablation (or removal of a part of the thyroid) include lifelong administration of hormones and a high risk of damage to the parathyroid glands during surgery.
Contemporary medicine is unable to offer patients with thyroid diseases any alternatives, and prefers to ignore the disadvantages of current treatment regimens and standards.

ENDONORM®, a new Herbal supplement for the treatment of thyroid diseases

No drug was available until recently to not just eliminate disease symptoms but also to restore own thyroid function bringing it back to the normal euthyroid state.

Fitopanacea scientists have for 10 years conducted research in the following areas:

- analysis of information materials on the treatment of thyroid diseases;
- flora screening in Russia and neighbouring states aiming to identify plants with thyrotropic activity;
- selection and comprehensive studying of the most active plants;
- organization and development of the company’s own stock of raw materials;
- development and launch of a thyrotropic biologic manufacture.

As a result of these activities, Fitopanacea’s employees have made a scientific discovery that has an international level of novelty. In 2005, our scientists isolated and described a new, previously unknown chemical compound called Albinin®. This substance exhibits thyrotropic and gonadotropic activities. We subsequently conducted detailed chemical and pharmacological investigation of this substance, determined its mechanisms of action, and identified its points of application in the human body (molecular targets etc.).
The completed studies resulted in the development of the original, unparalleled in the market, biologic ENDONORM®. This is a new-generation thyrotropic and gonadotropic agent with the maximum spectrum of therapeutic activity.

ENDONORM® is an ABSOLUTELY NATURAL SUPPLEMENT, 100 % plant-derived. The main active component of ENDONORM® is the substance called Albinin® that has been isolated from cinquefoil roots extract; this plant (Potentilla alba L.) is included in the regional Red Data Books of Moscow, Smolensk, Ryazan, Lipetsk, and some other regions. Cinquefoil is a plant rather well known in the folk medicine of Russia and European countries. Its medicinal forms are recommended as a means to treat various diseases, including treatment of the following thyroid dysfunctions:

- hypothyroidism (insufficient thyroid function);
- autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto thyroiditis, chronic autoimmune thyroiditis);
- euthyroid goitre (diffuse, nodular / multinodular);
- thyroid hyperplasia.

Researchers and other specialists of our company have developed an optimal agricultural technology to grow cinquefoil (using only organic fertilizers, without any pesticides), which has allowed launching of a mass production and processing of this rare medicinal plant. It should be underlined that large-scale application of cinquefoil in pharmaceutical practice is precluded by the utmost scarcity of the raw material in wild nature.
The manufacture of ENDONORM® is based on use of a whole range of patented know-how’s and unique technologies. All of this allows to obtain a product of uncompromisingly high quality.

Description of the thyrotropic product ENDONORM®

ENDONORM® is a mixture of dry vegetable extracts of cinquefoil, beggars-ticks, and liquorice manufactured according to a special technology, as well as lyophilized powder of Laminaria. The cinquefoil roots extract standardized by the content of the Albinin® substance is the main active component of the product, while other components augment and modulate the effects of the main component.
Thanks to the biochemical characteristics of every ENDONORM® component, their effects are additive in the treatment of diseases of the thyroid and the female reproductive system.
Studies conducted by Fitopanacea specialists have demonstrated that Albinin® contained in cinquefoil (Potentilla alba L.) affects the production of thyrotropic hormone in the anterior pituitary, normalizes the morphological structure of thyroid tissue, and returns the thyroid to the normal, euthyroid state.

The glycyrrhetinic acids of liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) normalize functions of the adrenals, immune and reproductive systems, and restore hormonal balance in the human body. The iridoids and phenylpropanoids found in  beggars-ticks (Bidens tripartita L.) exhibit immunomodulating activity and allow achievement of the maximum therapeutic effect in patients with diffuse toxic goitre or autoimmune thyroiditis.
Laminaria (Laminaria saccharina L.) can normalize thyroid tissue biochemistry thanks to the presence of iodine-tyrosine derivatives and its broad spectrum of macro- and micronutrients.
As ENDONORM® was developed, clinical studies  were conducted to pinpoint its unique composition, dosages and therapeutic regimens for this product. ENDONORM® was also shown to be highly effective in the treatment of a broad spectrum of thyroid diseases. Results of these studies have been protected by two Patents of the Russian Federation.
Every container of ENDONORM® contains 60 or 90 capsules that have the following composition:

- Cinquefoil roots and rootstocks extract – 200 mg
- Beggars-ticks herb extract – 80 mg
- Liquorice roots extract – 50 mg
- Brown algae (devil’s apron) thalluses lyophilized powder – 70 mg

Major distinctive features of ENDONORM® include:

  1. It is a non-hormonal, absolutely natural agent, 100% plant-derived;
  2. Thanks to its clinically appropriate, multi-ingredient composition, it has a few points of application in the human body and, as a result, exhibits a broad spectrum of therapeutic activity (thyrotropic and gonadotropic);
  3. Returns own thyroid function back to normal – the thyroid begins producing a normal amount of thyroid hormones as required by the body;
  4. Restores the morphological structure (tissue) of the thyroid – the thyroid tissue acquires a proper structure, nodules disappear;
  5. Does not necessitate lifelong administration. After a successful course of treatment, the thyroid can produce on its own a normal amount of thyroid hormones required by the body;
  6. Treatment is safe – no serious adverse effects develop;
  7. Effective in the treatment of diseases that could not previously be treated with pharmacological or other conservative therapy at all (autoimmune thyroiditis,  nodular / multinodular goitre).

One characteristic feature of thyroid diseases is that they can exist for years without causing overt symptoms. Yet these diseases are not just a disorder, they are often responsible for a cardinal change in the function of the body’s hormonal systems.
Treatment with ENDONORM®does not have to be lifelong. In most cases, the clinical picture improves as early as after the first course of treatment.
Optimal dosages and therapeutic regimens for ENDONORM® are selected on the basis of the diagnosis, thyroid status, and duration of disease more...

Whereas a “thyroid diagnosis” used to adjudge to lifelong hormonal therapy or excruciating surgery before, there is a real alternative now which is ENDONORM®!
ENDONORM® - a new non-hormonal preparation to recover thyroid function!

The product has been certified
СГР №: RU. of 31 October 2011